
#   Sponsor: https://serveur-minecraft-vote.fr/
#   5â‚Ŧ gift code on Minecraft Vote Server : ZAUCTIONHOUSE (https://serveur-minecraft-vote.fr/utiliser/un/code/cadeau?code=ZAUCTIONHOUSE)
#   Documentation: https://zauctionhouse.groupez.dev/
#   Discord: https://discord.groupez.dev/
#   You can find the list of whitelisted items here. Here are the different types of whitelist:
#   - zauctionhouse:similar_model_id
#   - zauctionhouse:names_contains
#   - zauctionhouse:zauctionhouse:contains_lore
#   - zauctionhouse:material_similar
#   Documentation: https://zauctionhouse.groupez.dev/whitelist

#    # Blacklist items if their name contains an element
#  - type: "zauctionhouse:names_contains"
#    key: "Custom Sword"
#    # Blacklist of items with a custom model id
#  - type: "zauctionhouse:similar_model_id"
#    key: PAPER # Material name (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)
#    modelId: 10001    
#    # Blacklist of items with lore contains key
#  - type: "zauctionhouse:contains_lore"
#    key: "Cosmetics"    
#    # Blacklist of items with lore contains key
#  - type: "zauctionhouse:material_similar"
#    key: STONE_HOE # (https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html)

Last updated