Plugin configuration, you will find all the main configuration items here
# Sponsor:
# Documentation:
# Discord:
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# ââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââââ
# Commands and permissions:
# - /zauctionhouse Âģ Main command (aliases: /ah, /hdv, /zauction, /zah, /zhdv) - zauctionhouse.use
# - /ah sell <price> [<amount>] Âģ Sell an item (aliases: /ah vendre, /ah s) - zauctionhouse.sell
# - /ah sellinventory <price> Âģ Sell an inventory (aliases: /ah vendreinventaire, /ah si, /ah vi) - zauctionhouse.sell.inventory
# - /ah reload Âģ Reloaded the configuration files - zauctionhouse.reload
# - /ah config Âģ Configure the in-game plugin - zauctionhouse.config
# - /ah version Âģ See the plugin version - no permission
# - /ah blacklist Âģ See the list of blacklist players - zauctionhouse.blacklist
# - /ah blacklist add <player> Âģ Add a player to the blacklist - zauctionhouse.blacklist.add
# - /ah blacklist remove <player> Âģ Remove a player from the blacklist - zauctionhouse.blacklist.remove
# - /ah history [<page>] [<type>] Âģ View your purchase and/or sale history - zauctionhouse.history
# - /ah transaction <player> [<page>] [<type>] Âģ View a player's buy or sell history - zauctionhouse.transaction
# - /ah claim Âģ Allows you to recover your pending money - zauctionhouse.claim
# - /ah search <string> Âģ Allows you to search for anything, more information about the filter system on the "Filter" page -
# - /ah purge <days> Âģ Purge old transactions - zauctionhouse.purge
# Optionals commands:
# - /ah expire Âģ Allows you to access the list of expired items
# - /ah buying Âģ Allows you to access the list of purchased items
# - /ah categories Âģ Allow access to the list of categories
# - /ah items Âģ Allows you to access your items on sale
# Addons:
# - zAuctionHouse Discord: (FREE)
# A discord bot to send messages or delete them when selling or buying
# - zAuctionHouse Redis: (15âŦ)
# An addon to link zAuctionHouse between multiple servers
# - zAuctionHouse Stats: (7âŦ)
# Save all actions performed by your players and create statics with new placeholders, orders and inventory.
# Configurations (Official configuration, created by GroupeZ):
# - DonutSMP AuctionHouse: (3.99)
# - Hypixel AuctionHouse: (3.99)
# - Mc-Complex AuctionHouse: (3.99)
# Enables detailed information display in the console.
# If you encounter an issue, enable this option and send the errors to support.
enableDebug: false
# Enables execution time debugging to measure plugin performance.
# Useful for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing performance.
enableDebugTime: false
# Use zMenu's inventory system,
# zMenu is a comprehensive inventory plugin.
# It allows you to create custom inventories and link them to custom commands.
# With its button system, you can fully customize your inventories.
# zMenu provides an API that enables zAuctionHouse to connect seamlessly.
# By using zMenu, you will benefit from enhanced functionality and better performance.
# Download here:
# zMenu Convert download (Convert your DeluxeMenu or GuiPlus configuration to zMenu):
# zMenu Documentation:
# To convert your current configuration to zMenu, use the command: /ah convert zmenu
# Donât want to use zMenu? Please follow this tutorial to disable zMenu using the old configuration:
useZMenuEngine: true
# Inventory Management with zMenu (
# The inventories in your plugin are managed using the zMenu plugin.
# This setup allows for flexible and powerful inventory customization and management.
# Here is an overview of how it works:
# Inventory Location
# All inventories are located in the `inventaires` folder.
# This folder contains all the necessary configuration files that define how each inventory behaves and appears to the player.
# Pattern Location
# All pattern files are stored in the `patterns` folder.
# These pattern files define the layout and structure that can be applied to any inventory configuration within the `inventaires` folder.
# Benefits of Using Patterns
# 1. Consistency: Patterns ensure that all inventories share a consistent look and feel, making it easier for players to navigate and use.
# 2. Efficiency: By defining common layouts in patterns, you can quickly apply these layouts to multiple inventories without duplicating configuration code.
# 3. Maintenance: Updating a pattern file automatically updates all inventories that use that pattern, simplifying maintenance and updates.
# Enable or disable the plugin.
# Set to 'true' to enable the plugin. If you need to perform maintenance
# or disable the plugin for any other reason, simply set this to 'false'.
# This allows you to easily manage the plugin's availability.
enablePlugin: true
# Allow item sales in Creative mode.
# Set to 'true' to enable the selling of items while in Creative mode.
# This can be useful for testing or administrative purposes.
# Note: Enabling this option may affect game balance, as players in Creative mode have access to unlimited resources.
enableCreativeSell: true
# Enable announcements for item sales.
# Set to 'true' to allow announcements to be made when items are sold.
# This can be useful for notifying other players of sales and creating a dynamic marketplace environment.
# If set to 'false', no announcements will be made during sales.
enableSellAnnonce: false
# Permission required to make an announcement during a sale.
# This permission must be granted to players or roles that you want to allow
# making announcements when they sell items.
# Example usage: "zauctionhouse.sell.annonce"
# sellAnnoncePermission: "zauctionhouse.sell.annonce"
# Display an error message when the player cannot purchase the item.
# The message occurs when the item is already in purchase, is already purchased or other reason.
displayErrorBuyMessage: false
# Enable announcements for item purchases.
# Set to 'true' to allow announcements to be made when items are purchased.
# This can be useful for notifying other players of purchases and creating a dynamic marketplace environment.
# If set to 'false', no announcements will be made during purchases.
enableBuyAnnonce: false
# Permission required to make an announcement during a purchase.
# This permission must be granted to players or roles that you want to allow
# making announcements when they purchase items.
# Example usage: ""
# buyAnnoncePermission: ""
# Default Economy
# Available economies:
# - ITEM: Use items as currency, such as gold.
# - LEVEL: Use the player's Minecraft level.
# - EXPERIENCE: Use the player's Minecraft experience points.
# - VAULT: Requires Vault plugin (
# - PLAYERPOINTS: Requires PlayerPoints plugin (
# - TOKENMANAGER: Requires TokenManager plugin (
# - COINSENGINE: Requires CoinsEngine plugin (
# - OPTECO: Requires Opteco plugin (
# - MYSQLTOKEN: Requires MySQLToken plugin (
# - BEASTTOKEN: Requires BeastToken plugin (
defaultEconomy: VAULT
# Open a menu to choose the economy when selling an item.
# WARNING: This inventory allows players to select the economy they want to use.
# The defaultEconomy setting will not affect this inventory! (see economy.yml in the inventories folder)
enableSellEconomyInventory: true
# Enable cooldown on sales orders.
# When enabled, a cooldown period is enforced between sales orders to prevent spam.
# The default cooldown is set to 5 seconds.
enable: true
seconds: 5
# Change the item that players click on when they don't have enough money.
# By default, the item will change for 20 ticks when the player doesn't have enough funds to make a purchase.
# This provides a visual indication to the player about insufficient funds.
enable: true
ticks: 20
# Activate the /ah claim command and hold players' money.
# Set to 'true' to enable the /ah claim command, which allows players to claim their money.
# When enabled, the money from sales is put on hold until the player claims it.
enableClaimMoney: false
# Display a message on connection if the player has money to collect with the /ah claim command.
# Set to 'true' to notify players upon joining the server that they have money waiting to be claimed.
# This helps ensure players are aware of unclaimed funds.
enableClaimMoneyMessageOnJoin: false
# Display a message showing the number of sales made while the player was disconnected.
# Set to 'true' to inform players of the total number of sales that occurred during their absence.
# This can help players stay updated on their sales activity.
enableTransactionMessageOnJoin: false
# Prevent selling items at the default price.
# When enabled, if the price is set to the default value, the player will receive an error message.
# This helps avoid accidental sales at incorrect prices due to command errors.
disableDefaultSellPriceFormatError: true
# Number of ticks before sending the message when the player connects.
# This setting determines the delay (in ticks) before a message is sent to the player upon connection.
cooldownClaimMoneyMessageTicks: 10
# Number of ticks before sending the message if the player sold items while offline.
# This setting determines the delay (in ticks) before informing the player about offline sales upon connection.
cooldownInformationsMessageTicks: 15
# Cooldown in seconds for using the /ah claim command.
# This setting imposes a cooldown period (in seconds) between consecutive uses of the /ah claim command.
cooldownClaimMoneySecond: 300
# Enable sound on successful purchase
enableBuySuccessSound: false
# Sound played on successful purchase
volume: 1
pitch: 1
# Enable sound when player cannot buy
enableBuyErrorSound: false
# Sound played when player cannot buy
volume: 1
pitch: 1
# Price configuration
# Maximum price for any item.
max: 999999999999999999
# Minimum price for any item.
min: 10
# Allows defining permissions for the maximum price per economy
vault: # Economy name
- permission: zauctionhouse.price.max.vault.player # Permission
amount: 128 # Max price
- permission: # Permission
amount: 250 # Max price
item_diamond: # Economy name
- permission: zauctionhouse.price.max.item.player # Permission
amount: 32 # Max price
- permission: # Permission
amount: 64 # Max price
# Allows defining a minimum and maximum price by savings
- economy: item_diamond # Economy name
max: 64 # Max price
min: 1 # Min price
# Enable item-based minimum and maximum prices, configurable in prices.yml.
# If you attempt to sell from /ah sellinventory but an item is not configured, the max price will be used.
enableMinMaxPricePerItems: false
# Format prices for better readability.
# When enabled, prices will be formatted according to the configuration in betterPriceEspace.
# For example, 10000 will be displayed as 10 000.
betterPrice: true
betterPriceEspace: ' '
# Reduce prices to a more readable format.
# For example:
# 1000 -> 1k
# 100000 -> 100k
# 1000000 -> 1m
betterPriceReduction: false
# Use colors to display text, compatible with MiniMessage:
display: "&f%amount%"
# Documentation for String format:
- format: "" # Blank format to display text directly
maxAmount: 1000
# Add colors to text display, works with MiniMessage
# display: "#2bd66f%amount%"
- format: "%.1fK"
maxAmount: 1000000
# display: "#a3d14d%amount%"
- format: "%.1fM"
maxAmount: 1000000000
# display: "#ebbc23%amount%"
- format: "%.1fB"
maxAmount: 1000000000000
# display: "#eb4b23%amount%"
- format: "%.2fT"
maxAmount: 1000000000000000
- format: "%.2fQ"
maxAmount: 100000000000000000
# Allows to manage the tax system on the plugin
# Enable tax on all items.
globalTax: false
# Enable tax on certain items, configurable in taxs.yml.
perItemTax: false
# SELL: Tax is applied when selling items.
# PURCHASE: Tax is applied when purchasing items.
# BOTH: Tax is applied on both selling and purchasing items.
# CAPITALISM: A different or special tax logic, if implemented.
type: SELL
# Tax Percentage to be applied.
percent: 10.0
# Allow certain players to bypass the tax.
enableByPass: true
# Enable the /ah sell 500k command.
# When enabled, players can use shorthand formats like 'k', 'M', etc., to quickly input large numbers for selling items.
enableNumberFormatSell: false
# Reduces the number of items you need to write to sell.
# Instead of having to use commands like /ah sell 500000, the player can use shorthand formats like /ah sell 500k.
# This list defines the shorthand formats and their corresponding multiplications.
- format: K
multiplication: 1000
- format: M
multiplication: 1000000
- format: B
multiplication: 1000000000
- format: T
multiplication: 1000000000000
- format: Q
multiplication: 1000000000000000
- format: QQ
multiplication: 1000000000000000000
- format: S
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000
- format: SS
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000
- format: O
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000
- format: N
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000
- format: D
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: UN
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: DD
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: TR
multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
# Gives the money on the server where the item was sold. Only applicable when using Redis.
# When enabled, the money from a sale will be credited to the player on the server where the sale occurred.
# This setting is only effective if you are using Redis for cross-server communication.
giveMoneyOnSellServer: false
# Change the storage type of the plugin.
# Available storage types:
# - JSON: A JSON file that will contain all the plugin data. Suitable for small and medium servers.
# - SQLITE: Use a SQLITE database. Suitable for large servers.
# - MYSQL: Use a MySQL database. Suitable for large servers.
# - REDIS: Use Redis to synchronize multiple servers. Requires the zAuctionHouse Redis addon (
# - CUSTOM: Custom storage system. You need to develop your own system.
storage: SQLITE
# Connect the plugin to an SQL database.
# SQL is used here solely as a storage system. It cannot be used to synchronize items between different servers.
# The username for the SQL database.
user: homestead
# The password for the SQL database.
password: secret
# The port number for the SQL database connection.
port: 3306
# The host address for the SQL database.
# The name of the SQL database.
database: zauctionhouse
# Table prefix. If you change this, you need to change it in the scripts folder too.
prefix: "zauctionhouse_"
# Number of retry attempts for SQL connection.
retry: 5
# Enable debug mode for SQL queries.
debug: false
# Retrieves transactions, if you have a large server please disable this option
fetchTransactions: true
# Options for the zAuctionHouse Redis addon
# Purchase here:
# Update inventory after purchase.
# When enabled, the player's inventory will be automatically updated after a purchase.
autoUpdateInventory: false
# Automatically give money to the player after purchase.
# When enabled, the money will be given to the player directly after a purchase,
# regardless of the server they are on.
autoGiveMoney: false
# Enable backup file creation for JSON storage.
# When enabled, the items.json file will be copied to the backup folder every day at 00:00.
# This ensures that you have daily backups of your data.
# If you want to change the backup times, you can use the zScheduler plugin.
# For more information, visit:
enableBackup: true
# Change the way items are sorted by default.
# Sort type options:
# - ASCENDING_PRICE: Sort items by price in ascending order (lowest to highest).
# - DECREASING_PRICE: Sort items by price in descending order (highest to lowest).
# - ASCENDING_DATE: Sort items by date in ascending order (oldest to newest).
# - DECREASING_DATE: Sort items by date in descending order (newest to oldest).
# Time (in seconds) before items on sale are marked as expired.
# This setting determines how long an item can remain on sale before it is considered expired.
sell: 172800
# Time (in seconds) before purchased or expired items are deleted.
# This setting specifies how long to keep purchased or expired items before they are automatically deleted.
expire: 604800
# Time (in seconds) before a transaction is removed from the history.
# This setting determines how long transaction records are kept before being deleted from the transaction history.
removeTransactionAfter: 604800
# Enable expiration time based on permissions.
# When enabled, the expiration time for items on sale can be set based on player permissions.
# This allows different groups of players to have different item expiration times.
# Ensure that the permissions and corresponding expiration times are correctly configured in the 'expirations' section.
enableExpirationPermission: false
# Allows to change the time (in seconds) for the expiration of items for sale based on permissions.
# If the player has the permission, their items will expire in 1 hour (3600 seconds).
# If the player has the zauctionhouse.expiration.elite permission, their items will expire in 2 hours (7200 seconds).
# If the player has the zauctionhouse.expiration.legend permission, their items will expire in 3 days (259200 seconds).
- permission:
expiration: 3600
- permission: zauctionhouse.expiration.elite
expiration: 7200
- permission: zauctionhouse.expiration.legend
expiration: 259200
# Change the number of items the player can sell based on permissions.
# If a player has the zauctionhouse.max.5 permission, they can sell up to 5 items.
# If a player has the zauctionhouse.max.10 permission, they can sell up to 10 items.
# If a player has the zauctionhouse.max.15 permission, they can sell up to 15 items.
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.5
limit: 5
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.10
limit: 10
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.15
limit: 15
# Enables the use of priorities in item sorting.
# When enabled, items will be sorted based on their priority values.
enablePrioritySort: true
# Activates a priority limit during item sorting.
# When enabled, the number of items displayed based on their priority will be limited according to the specified limits.
enablePrioritySortLimit: true
# To display an item in priority, its priority must be higher.
# You can display the priority text in the lore of the auction item with the placeholder %priority_text%.
- permission:
priority: 1
limit: 10
text: '&bVip'
- permission: zauctionhouse.priority.vipplus
priority: 2
limit: 5
text: '&6Vip+'
# Enable logging options.
# Enable logs in the console.
# When enabled, logs will be displayed in the console, providing real-time feedback and information.
enable: true
# Enable logs in a file.
# When enabled, logs will be saved to a file, allowing for persistent logging and later review.
inFile: true
# System that will block the use of the plugin if the server or player is experiencing lag.
# Block plugin access for players with high ping.
# When enabled, players with a ping higher than the specified maxPing value will be unable to access the plugin.
enable: true
maxPing: 600
# Block plugin access if the server TPS (Ticks Per Second) is low.
# When enabled, if the server's TPS drops below the specified minTps value, players will be unable to access the plugin.
enable: true
minTps: 16
# The number of milliseconds an ItemStack will be cached.
# Keeping the default value is usually sufficient.
cacheItemStack: 1000
# Allow PAPI (PlaceholderAPI) placeholders in item lore.
# When enabled, PAPI placeholders can be used in item lore.
# You can always use the placeholders plugin for additional customization.
enablePapiInLore: true
# Cache the list of items for optimization.
# When enabled, the list of items will be cached for the specified number of seconds.
# This is useful for servers with a large number of items for sale.
# If you have less than 500 items for sale, there is no need to enable this option.
enable: false
seconds: 15
# Time in seconds the player has to wait before changing the sort type.
# This setting imposes a cooldown period between changes to the sort type to reduce server load.
sortCooldown: 5
# Time in seconds for automatic data backup, only for JSON storage.
# This setting determines how frequently (in seconds) the data will be automatically backed up.
autoSave: 600
# Enable messages that indicate files have been saved correctly.
# When enabled, messages will be displayed to confirm that files have been successfully saved.
enableLogAutoSaveInformation: true
# Open inventories to synchronize.
# When enabled, inventories will not be displayed at the same time as opening the inventory.
# This setting is useful for synchronizing inventory data across different views.
openSyncInventory: false
# This configuration is only available for the zAuctionHouse REDIS addon.
# If you don't use the REDIS addon, you don't need this section.
# Placeholder cache duration in milliseconds.
# This setting determines how long (in milliseconds) placeholders will be cached.
# The default is set to 1 minute (60000 milliseconds).
cache: 60000
# Value displayed while the placeholder is loading.
# This setting defines the text that will be shown while the placeholder data is being fetched.
loading: "Loading..."
# Cache duration in milliseconds for categories.
# By default, there is 60 seconds (60000 milliseconds) cache on the list of items in each category.
# The cache will be automatically updated when an item is removed or added to the sale.
cacheDurationCategory: 60000
# Cache categories for x seconds
enableCategoriesCache: false
# Anti-duplication system. This system will completely block items that come from zAuctionHouse inventories.
# If a player successfully obtains an item from a zAuctionHouse inventory through duplication, it will be automatically deleted.
# This system is provided by zMenu. If you use zMenu for your inventories, you do not need to activate this.
# Enable or disable the anti-duplication system.
enable: true
# Send a message to your Discord when a player tries to duplicate items.
# Enable or disable Discord notifications for duplication attempts.
enable: false
# The URL of the Discord webhook.
url: ""
# The content of the message sent to Discord.
content: "**%player%** tried to use x%amount% %itemname% from zAuctionHouse. Removing it!"
# Send a message to your console when a player tries to duplicate items.
# Enable or disable console logging for duplication attempts.
enable: true
# The content of the message sent to the console.
content: "%player% tried to use x%amount% %itemname% from zAuctionHouse. Removing it!"
# Configuration for the Discord webhook, allows sending a message to your Discord server during an item sale.
# The URL of the Discord webhook.
# Enable or disable the Discord webhook.
# When set to 'true', the webhook will send messages to the configured Discord URL.
isEnable: false
# The content of the message sent by the webhook.
# Uncomment and customize the line below to set a custom message content.
# content: "%player% just sold an item! Use /zauctionhouse"
# Embed configuration for the Discord message.
# The title of the embed message.
title: New sale !
# The description of the embed message.
# Uncomment and customize the line below to set a custom description.
# description: "Your description"
# The URL attached to the embed title.
# Uncomment and customize the line below to set a custom URL.
# url: "<your url>"
# The color of the embed message.
r: 40
g: 240
b: 40
# The footer of the embed message.
text: zAuctionHouse
# The thumbnail of the embed message.
# Uncomment and customize the line below to set a custom thumbnail.
# thumbnail: "<your thumbnail>"
# The image of the embed message.
# Uncomment and customize the line below to set a custom image.
# image: "<your image>"
# The author of the embed message.
# Uncomment and customize the lines below to set a custom author.
# author:
# name: "Maxlego08"
# url: ""
# iconUrl: ""
# Fields in the embed message.
- name: Sale
value: "Player **%seller%** just added x%amount% %material% for **%price%**"
inline: false
# Disable the ability to sell broken items.
# When enabled, items that are broken or damaged cannot be sold.
# This helps maintain the quality of items in the auction house.
disableSellBreakItem: false
# Give the item directly to the player in their inventory upon purchase.
# When enabled, items purchased by the player will be placed directly into their inventory.
# If the player's inventory is full, the item will go to the purchased items inventory.
giveItemAfterPurchase: false
# Allow the player to retrieve the item directly from their inventory when they remove it from sale.
# When enabled, items removed from sale will be placed directly into the player's inventory.
# If the player's inventory is full, the item will go to the expired items inventory.
giveItemAfterRemove: false
# Prevent giving items if the player's inventory is full when giveItemAfterPurchase and/or giveItemAfterRemove is active.
# When enabled, items will not be given to the player if their inventory is full,
# even if the options to give items after purchase or removal are active.
dontGiveIfPlayerHasFullInventory: false
# Open the inventory after confirming the removal of an item from sale.
# When enabled, the player's inventory will automatically open after they confirm
# the removal of an item from sale. This helps them manage their items immediately.
openInventoryAfterRemoveConfirm: true
# Open the inventory after purchasing an item.
# When enabled, the player's inventory will automatically open after they purchase an item.
# This allows them to immediately see and manage the purchased item.
openInventoryAfterBuying: false
# Require a price to be specified for the /ah sellinventory command.
# When enabled, players must specify a price when using the /ah sellinventory command.
# This ensures that items are listed with an explicit price.
needPriceForSellInventory: true
# Display an error message if the minimum price is not respected.
# When enabled, an error message will be shown if a player attempts to sell an item below the minimum price.
# This helps maintain price standards within the auction house.
disablePriceErrorDefault: true
# Enable the commands /ah items, /ah expire, and /ah items.
# When enabled, these commands will be available for use:
# - /ah items: Allows players to view their listed items.
# - /ah expire: Allows players to view their expired items.
# - /ah items: Allows players to view their auctioned items.
enableCommandInventories: false
# Enable the plugin version checker.
# When enabled, the plugin will check for new versions and updates.
# This helps ensure you are always using the latest version with the latest features and fixes.
enableVersionChecker: true
# Categories will only check the material of items.
# When enabled, categories will be determined solely by the material of the items,
# ignoring other attributes such as item name, lore, or enchantments.
categoryCheckOnlyMaterial: true
# Display a message when the player is in cooldown.
# When enabled, a message will be shown to the player informing them that they are in cooldown
# and need to wait before issuing another command.
displayCooldownMessage: true
# Cooldown between transaction commands in milliseconds.
# This setting imposes a delay between consecutive transaction commands issued by a player.
# The cooldown is specified in milliseconds. For example, 30000 milliseconds equals 30 seconds.
cooldownTransactions: 30000
# Enable cooldown on all commands.
# When enabled, a cooldown period will be applied to all commands,
# preventing players from issuing commands too frequently.
enableCooldownCommand: true
# Cooldown between commands in milliseconds.
# This setting imposes a delay between consecutive commands issued by a player.
# The cooldown is specified in milliseconds. For example, 5000 milliseconds equals 5 seconds.
commandCooldownMilliSeconds: 5000
# Allow the inventory to update automatically during a purchase,
# when adding an item, or when an item is removed.
# When enabled, the inventory will automatically refresh to reflect changes
# such as new purchases, additions, or removals of items.
enableAutoUpdate: false
# Custom message configuration
# Enable custom message for the /ah help command.
# When enabled, a custom message will be displayed when players use the /ah help command.
help: false
# Enable custom message for the /ah sell command.
# When enabled, a custom message will be displayed when players use the /ah sell command.
sell: false
# Enable custom message for the /ah open command.
# When enabled, a custom message will be displayed when players use the /ah open command.
open: false
# Enable custom message for the /ah search command.
# When enabled, a custom message will be displayed when players use the /ah search command.
search: false
# Edit the plugin commands
# Modify the main command of the plugin.
# This setting allows you to change the primary command used to access the plugin's features.
main: zauctionhouse
# Change the aliases of the main command.
# This setting allows you to define alternative commands (aliases) that can be used
# to access the plugin's features. Players can use any of these aliases as shortcuts.
- zauction
- ah
- hdv
- zah
- zhdv
# Change arguments for the sale command.
# This setting allows you to define alternative arguments (aliases) for the sale command.
# Players can use any of these aliases to initiate a sale.
# Example usage: /zauctionhouse <sell/vendre/s>
- sell
- vendre
- s
# Disable the plugin in specific worlds.
# This setting allows you to specify worlds where the plugin will be disabled.
# List the worlds where you do not want the plugin to be active.
- world_the_end
# Open the "auction" inventory (the default inventory) from an NPC named "Auction".
# This setting allows players to access the auction inventory by interacting with a specified NPC.
# Define the NPC's name and the inventory that should open.
- name: Auction
inventory: auction
# Permissions for specific commands.
# Permission required to use the /ah addon command.
# When set, this permission controls access to the /ah addon command.
# Uncomment and set the appropriate permission string if needed.
# addon: "zauctionhouse.addon"
# Permission required to use the /ah version command.
# When set, this permission controls access to the /ah version command.
# Uncomment and set the appropriate permission string if needed.
# version: "zauctionhouse.version"
# Date format for transactions.
# This setting determines the format used to display transaction history dates.
# Use the format "YYYY MM dd hh:mm:ss" to represent year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.
transactionDateFormat: "YYYY MM dd hh:mm:ss"
# Disable plugin commands.
# When enabled, all plugin commands will be disabled.
# This can be useful if you want to create alternative ways to access the plugin and sell items.
disableCommands: false
# Add ItemFlags to items displayed in the auction house.
# Enable or disable the use of ItemFlags.
# When enabled, the specified ItemFlags will be applied to items displayed in the auction house.
enable: false
# List of ItemFlags to be applied.
# The following flags can be used to hide various item attributes:
# - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES: Hides item attributes such as attack damage.
# - HIDE_DESTROYS: Hides the blocks that an item can destroy in adventure mode.
# - HIDE_ENCHANTS: Hides enchantments on the item.
# - HIDE_PLACED_ON: Hides the blocks that an item can be placed on in adventure mode.
# - HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS: Hides potion effects.
# - HIDE_UNBREAKABLE: Hides the unbreakable status of an item.
# Uncomment the following flags to use them:
# - HIDE_DYE: Hides dye color information.
# - HIDE_ARMOR_TRIM: Hides armor trim information.
# Click action to display the contents of a shulker, chest, etc.
# This setting specifies which mouse button action will trigger the display of container contents.
# Options can be LEFT or RIGHT click.
showClick: RIGHT
# Number of transactions per page for the /ah transaction and /ah history commands.
# This setting determines how many transactions will be displayed per page
# when using the /ah transaction and /ah history commands.
transactionPageSize: 5
# Check if the HeadDatabase plugin is enabled.
# When enabled, the plugin will check for the HeadDatabase plugin and wait until it is active before using it.
# If you are using zMenu, the plugin will not need to wait for HeadDatabase and will load directly.
enableHeadDatabaseVerification: true
# Use the new algorithm for encoding text items. It is automatically used from 1.20.5
# If you are in an older version (1.20.4) and want to migrate your data later, it is advisable to enable this option
enableNewBase64ItemStackMethod: false
# Enables the whitelist of items
# To sell an item it must be mandatory in the list of whitelist items, otherwise it cannot be sold
enableWhitelist: false
# Allows to configure the elements for the /ah search command
# Enables the /ah search command
# If you change this value you need to restart your server
enable: true
# Enable the option to search for an item with translation
# For this option, you must be in 1.13+ and add your translation file to the zAuctionHouse/langs folder
# By default the plugin will download all files, just enable this option and set your language
enable-translated-material: true
# Allows defining the langs file for your server, this option only works for servers in 1.13+
# You can find the translation file here:
# The file must be placed in the folder zAuctionHouse/langs
# The file name must be in the following format <country>-<language>, so for France it's will be fr-fr
language: 'fr-fr'
# If this option is enabled, then the plugin will download all translation files when the zAuctionHouse/langs folder does not exist
# This saves you time and does not have to choose the file to download.
download-all-langages-files: true
# This option allows translating the name of items in the language you have defined
enable-itemstack-translation: false
Last updated