
Yml configuration file

# ########################################################################################################################################
#   Sponsor:
#   Documentation:
#   Discord:
# ███████╗░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗░█████╗░████████╗██╗░█████╗░███╗░░██╗██╗░░██╗░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗░██████╗███████╗██╗░░░██╗██████╗░
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#   Commands and permissions:
#   - /zauctionhouse » Main command (aliases: /ah, /hdv, /zauction, /zah, /zhdv) - zauctionhouse.use
#   - /ah sell <price> [<amount>] » Sell an item (aliases: /ah vendre, /ah s) - zauctionhouse.sell
#   - /ah sellinventory <price> » Sell an inventory (aliases: /ah vendreinventaire, /ah si, /ah vi) - zauctionhouse.sell.inventory
#   - /ah reload » Reloaded the configuration files - zauctionhouse.reload
#   - /ah config » Configure the in-game plugin - zauctionhouse.config
#   - /ah version » See the plugin version - no permission
#   - /ah blacklist » See the list of blacklist players - zauctionhouse.blacklist
#   - /ah blacklist add <player> » Add a player to the blacklist - zauctionhouse.blacklist.add
#   - /ah blacklist remove <player> » Remove a player from the blacklist - zauctionhouse.blacklist.remove
#   - /ah history [<page>] [<type>] » View your purchase and/or sale history - zauctionhouse.history
#   - /ah transaction <player> [<page>] [<type>] » View a player's buy or sell history - zauctionhouse.transaction
#   - /ah claim » Allows you to recover your pending money - zauctionhouse.claim
#   - /ah search <string> » Allows you to search for anything, more information about the filter system on the "Filter" page -
#   - /ah purge <days> » Purge old transactions - zauctionhouse.purge
#   Optionals commands:
#   - /ah expire » Allows you to access the list of expired items 
#   - /ah buying » Allows you to access the list of purchased items
#   - /ah categories » Allow access to the list of categories
#   - /ah items » Allows you to access your items on sale
#   Addons:
#   - zAuctionHouse Discord:
#     A discord bot to send messages or delete them when selling or buying
#   - zAuctionHouse Redis:
#     An addon to link zAuctionHouse between multiple servers    
# ########################################################################################################################################

# Displays more information in the console, if you have a problem please enable this option and send errors to support.
enableDebug: false

# Enables time debugs, is used to measure plugin performance
enableDebugTime: false

# Use zMenu’s inventory system
# zMenus is a complete inventory plugin.
# You can create your inventories and link them to custom commands. With the button system you will be able to push to the maximum the customization of your inventories.
# zMenu has an API that allows zAuctionHouse to connect to it. By using zMenu you will enjoy more functionality and better performance.
# Download here:
# zMenu Convert download (Convert your DeluxeMenu or GuiPlus configuration to zMenu) :
# zMenu Documentation:
# To convert your current configuration to zMenu use /ah convert zmenu
useZMenuEngine: true

# Enable the plugin, in case of maintenance or any other reason you can disable the plugin simply
enablePlugin: true

# Allows to sell items by being creative
enableCreateSell: true

# Allows you to make an announcement during the sale
enableSellAnnonce: false
# Permission to make an announcement during sale
# sellAnnoncePermission: "zauctionhouse.sell.annonce"

# Display an error message when the player cannot purchase the item.
# The message occurs when the item is already in purchase, is already purchased or other reason.
displayErrorBuyMessage: false

# Allows you to make an announcement during the purchase
enableBuyAnnonce: false

# Activate the/ah claim command and put players' money on hold
enableClaimMoney: false

# Displays a message to say that the player has money to collect on connection with the /ah claim
enableClaimMoneyMessageOnJoin: false

# Displays a message the number of sales made when disconnected
enableTransactionMessageOnJoin: false

# Disable selling items that are broken
disableSellBreakItem: false

# Give the item to the player directly in his inventory during the purchase
giveItemAfterPurchase: false

# If the player receives the item in his inventory, but it is full, then the items will go into the storage of purchased items. If you disable this option, then the player will not be able to purchase the item
sendItemToPurchaseInventoryIfIsFull: true

# Open inventory after removing an item from the sale
openInventoryAfterRemoveConfirm: true

# Open inventory after purchasing an item
openInventoryAfterBuying: false

# Force a price request for the /ah sellinventory command
needPriceForSellInventory: true

# Display an error message if the minimum price is not respected
disablePriceErrorDefault: true

# Allow to activer les commandes /ah items, /ah expire et /ah items
enableCommandInventories: false

# Can enable the check of the plugin version
enableVersionChecker: true

# Categories will only check the material of items
categoryCheckOnlyMaterial: true

# Display message when player is in cooldown
displayCooldownMessage: true

# Enable cooldown on click in inventory
enableCooldownClick: false

# Cooldown between clicks in milliseconds
cooldownClickMilliseconds: 500

# Enable cooldown on all commands
enableCooldownCommand: true

# Cooldown between commands in milliseconds
commandCooldownMilliSeconds: 5000

# Allow to update the inventory during a purchase, adding an item or when an item is removed.
enableAutoUpdate: false

# Option pour l’addon zAuctionHouse Redis
# Purchase here:
  # Update inventory after purchase
  autoUpdateInventory: false
  # Allows to give money to the player directly after the purchase, can important the server where it is
  autoGiveMoney: false

# If the price is the default, then the player will get an error message
disableDefaultSellPriceFormatError: false

# Anti duplication system, this system will totally block items that come from zAuctionHouse inventories.
# If a player successfully obtains an item from a zAuctionHouse inventory, it will be automatically deleted.
# This system comes from zMenu, if you use zMenu for your inventories you do not need to activate it
  enable: true
  # Send a message about your discord when player tries to dupe
    enable: false
    url: ""
    content: "**%player%** use x%amount% %itemname% which comes from zAuctionHouse. Removing it !"
  # Send a message to your console when uun player tries to dupe
    enable: true
    content: "%player% use x%amount% %itemname% which comes from zAuctionHouse. Removing it !"

# Default Economy
# Economy available:
# - ITEM (Use items like economy, for example gold)
# - LEVEL (Minecraft player level)
# - EXPERIENCE (Minecraft player level experience point)
# - VAULT (requires
# - PLAYERPOINTS (requires
# - TOKENMANAGER (requires
# - COINSENGINE (requires
# - OPTECO (requires
# - MYSQLTOKEN (requires
# - BEASTTOKEN (requires
defaultEconomy: VAULT

# Opens a menu to choose the economy when selling an item.
enableSellEconomyInventory: true

# Enable cooldown on sales orders, default cooldown is 5 seconds
  enable: true
  seconds: 5

# Change the item on which the player will click to indicate that he does not have enough money, by default the item will change for 20 ticks
  enable: true
  ticks: 20

# Enable log
  # Enable logs in the console
  enable: true
  # Enable logs in a file
  inFile: false
  isFile: false

# Custom message
  # Enable custom message for /ah help command
  help: false
  # Enable custom message for /ah sell command
  sell: false
  # Enable custom message for /ah open command
  open: false
  # Enable custom message for /ah search command
  search: false

# Change the storage type of the plugin.
# Here are the types of storage available:
# - JSON, a JSON file that will contain all the plugin data, for small and medium servers
# - MYSQL, use of a database, for large servers
# - MARIADB, use of a database, for large servers
# - REDIS, Using REDIS to synchronize multiple servers. You must use the zAuctionHouse Redis addon (
# - CUSTOM, Custom storage system, you need to develop your own system.
storage: JSON

# Allows to connect the plugin to a SQL database.
# Here SQL is used only as a storage system.
# You cannot use SQL to synchronize items between different servers.
  user: homestead
  password: secret
  port: 3306
  database: zauctionhouse
  # table prefix, if you change here you need to change in scripts folder too
  prefix: "zauctionhouse_"
  retry: 5

# Edit the plugin commands
  # Modify the main command of the plugin
  main: zauctionhouse
  # Change the aliases of the main command
  - zauction
  - ah
  - hdv
  - zah
  - zhdv
  # Change arguments for sale command, /zauctionhouse <sell/vendre/s>
  - sell
  - vendre
  - s

# Change the way items are sorted by default

  # Maximum price
  max: 999999999999999999
  # Minimum price
  min: 10
    - economy: item_diamond
      max: 64
      min: 1
  # Enable the item-based minimum price, configurable in prices.yml
  enableMinMaxPricePerItems: false

  # Allows to format the prices, the price will be in the format according to the configuration put in betterPriceEspace
  # In the default configuration, 10000 will become 10 000
  betterPrice: true
  betterPriceEspace: ' '

  # Reduces the price in a format like this:
  # 1000 -> 1k
  # 100000 -> 100k
  # 1000000 -> 1m
  betterPriceReduction: false

  # Allows you to use colors to display text, works with MiniMessage:
  display: "&f%amount%"

   # Documentation for String format:
    - format: "" # Blank format to display text directly
      maxAmount: 1000
      # Add colors to text display, works with MiniMessage
      # display: "<gradient:#1cfc03:#2bd66f>%amount%"
    - format: "%.1fK"
      maxAmount: 1000000
      # display: "<gradient:#7bd62b:#a3d14d>%amount%"
    - format: "%.1fM"
      maxAmount: 1000000000
      # display: "<gradient:#ebe123:#ebbc23>%amount%"
    - format: "%.1fB"
      maxAmount: 1000000000000
      # display: "<gradient:#eb8023:#eb4b23>%amount%"
    - format: "%.2fT"
      maxAmount: 1000000000000000
    - format: "%.2fQ"
      maxAmount: 1000000000000000000

  # Time for items on sale before that pass in expired
  sell: 172800
  # Time for items that have been purchased or expired before they are deleted
  expire: 604800
  # Number of seconds to delete a transaction from history
  removeTransactionAfter: 604800

# Allows to manage the tax system on the plugin
  # Enable tax on all items
  globalTax: true
  # Permet d’activer la taxe sur certains items, configurable dans taxs.yml
  perItemTax: true
  # Type de la tax, SELL, PURCHASE, BOTH or CAPITALISM
  type: SELL
  # Tax Percentage
  percent: 10.0
  # Allows bypass of the tax
  enableByPass: true

# Allows to disable the plugin in different world
- world_the_end

# Change the number of items the player can sell with permission
# Player must have zauctionhouse.max.5 permission to sell up to 5 items
# Player must have zauctionhouse.max.10 permission to sell up to 10 items
# Player must have zauctionhouse.max.15 permission to sell up to 15 items
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.5
  limit: 5
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.10
  limit: 10
- permission: zauctionhouse.max.15
  limit: 15

# Enables expiration time by permissions
enableExpirationPermission: false

# Allows to change the time (in seconds) for the expiration of items for sale with permission
# if the player to the permission, his items will be sold for 1 hour
# if the player to the zauctionhouse.expiration.elite permission, his items will be sold for 2 hours
# if the player to the zauctionhouse.expiration.legend permission, his items will be sold for 3 days
- permission:
  expiration: 3600
- permission: zauctionhouse.expiration.elite
  expiration: 7200
- permission: zauctionhouse.expiration.legend
  expiration: 259200

# To display an item in priority its priority must be higher.
# You can display the priority text in the lore of the auction item with the placeholder %priority_text%
- permission:
  priority: 1
  limit: 10
  text: '&bVip'
- permission: zauctionhouse.priority.vipplus
  priority: 2
  limit: 5
  text: '&6Vip+'

# Enables the use of priorities in item sorting
enablePrioritySort: true
# Activates a priority limit during item sorting
enablePrioritySortLimit: true

# Allows to open the "auction" inventory (the default inventory) from a npc
# named "Auction"
- name: Auction
  inventory: auction

# Reduces the number of items you need to write to sell.
# Instead of having to make /ah sell 500000 the player can make /ah sell 500k
- format: K
  multiplication: 1000
- format: M
  multiplication: 1000000
- format: B
  multiplication: 1000000000
- format: T
  multiplication: 1000000000000
- format: Q
  multiplication: 1000000000000000
- format: QQ
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000
- format: S
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000
- format: SS
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000
- format: O
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000
- format: N
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000
- format: D
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: UN
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: DD
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000
- format: TR
  multiplication: 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
enableNumberFormatSell: false

# Configuration of the discord webhook, allows to send a message about your discord during an item sale
  isEnable: false
  # content: "%player% just sold an item ! Use /zauctionhouse"
    title: New sale !
    # description: "Your description"
    # url: "<your url>"
      r: 40
      g: 240
      b: 40
      text: zAuctionHouse
    # thumbnail: "<your thumbnail>"
    # image: "<your image>
    # author:
    # name: "Maxlego08"
    # url: ""
    # iconUrl: ""
    - name: Sale
      value: "Player **%seller%** just added x%amount% %material% for **%price%**"
      inline: false

# System that will block the use of the plugin if the server or player lag
  # If the player has more than 600 ping he will not be able to access the plugin
    enable: true
    maxPing: 600
  # If the server has less than 16 tps, players will not be able to access the plugin
    enable: true
    minTps: 16

# Permission for /ah version and /ah addon
  # addon: "zauctionhouse.addon"
  # version: "zauctionhouse.version"

# Date format for transactions, is used to view transaction history
transactionDateFormat: "YYYY MM dd hh:mm:ss"

  # The number of milliseconds an ItemStack will be cached. Leaving the default value is sufficient.
  cacheItemStack: 1000
  # Allows not to call PAPI in the items lore, you can always use the placeholders plugin
  enablePapiInLore: true
  # Cache the list of items, by default the cache will be 15 seconds.
  # If you have less than 500 items for sale, there is no point in activating this option
    enable: false
    seconds: 15
  # Time in seconds the player has to wait before changing the sort type
  sortCooldown: 5
  # Time in seconds for automatic data backup, only for JSON storage
  autoSave: 900
  # Enable messages that tell you that the files have been saved correctly.
  enableLogAutoSaveInformation: true
  # Open inventories to synchronize. By default, the inventories will not be displayed at the same time as opening the inventory
  openSyncInventory: false

# Disables plugin commands, if you want to create another way to access the plugin and sell items you can like this
disableCommands: false

# Add ItemsFlag to items displayed in auction hotel
  enable: false

# Click to display the contents of a shulker, chest etc
showClick: RIGHT

# Number of ticks before sending the message when connecting the player
cooldownClaimMoneyMessageTicks: 10

# Number of ticks before sending the message when the player sold items while offline
cooldownInformationsMessageTicks: 15

# Cooldown en secondes pour effectuer la commande /ah claim
cooldownClaimMoneySecond: 300

# Number of transactions per page for the/ah transaction and/ah history command
transactionPageSize: 5

# Enable backup file creation for JSON storage
# By activating the backup system, the items.json file will be copied to the backup folder every day at 00:00
# If you want to change the backup times you can use the zScheduler plugin.
enableBackup: true

# Cache in milliseconds for categories, by default there is a 2 minutes cache on the list of items.
# The cache will be automatically updated when an item is removed or added to the sale.
cacheDurationCategory: 0

Last updated