
zAuctionStats is a paid addon. This addon will add placeholders, commands and inventories.

Purchase here:




This addon works like any other plugin. Just install it in your plugins folder and launch your server.

After the first launch of the plugin. You must stop your server to configure the database in the.yml file. This database will allow storing all the information that the plugin needs. Then simply launch your server!


# Displays more information in the console, if you have a problem please enable this option and send errors to support.
enableDebug: false

# Enables time debugs, is used to measure plugin performance
enableDebugTime: false

  # Available type: MYSQL and SQLITE
  type: MYSQL
  debug: false
  port: 3306
  user: homestead
  password: 'secret'
  database: zauctionhouse

noName: "✘"
noAmount: "0"
loading: "Loading..."

cacheDurationMaterial: 3600000


Would you like to have more placeholders? Come ask me about my discord.

Global Placeholders:



The number of items listed for sale.


The number of items purchased.


The number of unsold items that will expire.


The number of items that have expired.


The number of items removed from the EXPIRE storage type.


The number of items removed from the ITEMS storage type.


The number of items removed from the BUY storage type.


The number of items that have been destroyed.


The number of times the auction house was opened.

Global Economy Placeholders:


%zahstats_money_spend_<economy name>%

Total money spent in the auction house.

%zahstats_total_price_of_all_items_sold_<economy name>%

Cumulative price of all items that were listed for sale.

%zahstats_money_spend_format_<economy name>%

Total money spent in the auction house. (Formatted)

%zahstats_total_price_of_all_items_sold_format_<economy name>%

Cumulative price of all items that were listed for sale. (Formatted)

Player Placeholders:



Total items on sale.


Total items purchased.


Total items on sale formatted.


Total items purchased formatted.

%zahstats_player_total_earned_<economy name>%

Total money earned.

%zahstats_player_total_spent_<economy name>%

Total money spent.

%zahstats_player_total_format_earned_<economy name>%

Total money earned formatted.

%zahstats_player_total_format_spent_<economy name>%

Total money spent formatted.

Ranking Placeholders:


%zahstats_who_spent_most_money_name_<economy name>%

Who spent the most - Name.

%zahstats_who_spent_most_money_amount_<economy name>%

Who spent the most - Amount.

%zahstats_format_who_spent_most_money_amount_<economy name>%

Who spent the most - Amount. (Formatted)

%zahstats_who_earned_most_money_name_<economy name>%

Who earned the most - Name.

%zahstats_who_earned_most_money_amount_<economy name>%

Who earned the most - Amount.

%zahstats_format_who_earned_most_money_amount_<economy name>%

Who earned the most - Amount. (Formatted)

%zahstats_who_purchased_most_items_name_<economy name>%

Who purchased the most - Name.

%zahstats_who_purchased_most_items_amount_<economy name>%

Who purchased the most - Amount.

%zahstats_who_sales_most_items_name_<economy name>%

Who sales the most - Name.

%zahstats_who_sales_most_items_amount_<economy name>%

Who sales the most - Amount.


Who purchased the most - Name.


Who purchased the most - Amount.


Who sales the most - Name.


Who sales the most - Amount.

Material Placeholders:


%zahstats_material_average_<economy name>_<material>%

Average price of an item.

%zahstats_material_median_<economy name>_<material>%

Median price of an item.

%zahstats_material_amount_<economy name>_<material>%

Amount of items.

%zahstats_material_format_average_<economy name>_<material>%

Average price of an item. (Formatted)

%zahstats_material_format_median_<economy name>_<material>%

Median price of an item. (Formatted)

%zahstats_material_format_amount_<economy name>_<material>%

Amount of items. (Formatted)





Display commands

/zahstats reload


Reload configurations

/zahstats clearcache


Clear plugin cache

/ah price


Display item information

Last updated