You can translate the items that will be displayed in messages into another language. To do this you need to enable the enable-itemstack-translation option in the config.yml file You must also define your language by the following list:
By default the plugin will download all translations available in the zAuctionHouseV3/langs folder, you only have to change the language value to define your own language.
# Allows to define the langs file for your server, this option only works for servers in 1.13+# You can find the translation file here: The file must be placed in the folder zAuctionHouse/langs# The file name must be in the following format <country>-<language>, so for France it's will be fr-frlanguage:'fr-fr'# If this option is enabled then the plugin will download all translation files when the zAuctionHouse/langs folder does not exist# This saves you time and does not have to choose the file to This option allows to translate the name of items in the language you have definedenable-itemstack-translation:true