
List of economies available with the plugin

Economy available

You can add several economies with the api: Economy API

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# Documentation :
# Sponsor :
# Economy available:
# - ITEM (Use items like economy, for example gold)
# - LEVEL (Minecraft player level)
# - EXPERIENCE (Minecraft player level experience point)
# - VAULT (requires
# - PLAYERPOINTS (requires
# - TOKENMANAGER (requires
# - COINSENGINE (requires
# - OPTECO (requires
# - MYSQLTOKEN (requires
# - BEASTTOKEN (requires

economies: # Default Economy
    name: vault # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: VAULT # Economy type
    currency: "%price%$" # Placeholder to display the price
    format: "v"
    isEnable: true # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
  # Economy with an item, here diamond
    name: item_diamond # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: ITEM # Economy type
    currency: "%price% diamond%s%" # Placeholder to display the price
    format: "id"
    isEnable: true # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou don't have enough money to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
    item: # Configure the item :
      material: DIAMOND
  # Economy with an item, here emerald
    name: item_emerald # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: ITEM # Economy type
    currency: "%price% emerald%s%" # Placeholder to display the price
    format: "ie"
    isEnable: false # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou d'ont have enough money to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
    item: # Configure the item :
      material: EMERALD
  # Minecraft player level experience point
    name: experience # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: EXPERIENCE # Economy type
    currency: "%price% xp"
    format: "xp" # Placeholder to display the price
    isEnable: false # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou dont' have enough experience to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
  # Minecraft player level
    name: level # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: LEVEL # Economy type
    currency: "%price% level"
    format: "level" # Placeholder to display the price
    isEnable: false # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou don't have enough level to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
    name: playerpoints # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
    type: playerpoints # Economy type
    currency: "%price% P" # Placeholder to display the price
    format: "P"
    isEnable: true # Activate or not the economy
    denyMessage: "&cYou don't have enough points to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.
  # coinsEngine:
  #  name: coinsengine # Name of the economy, the name can be specified in the items
  #  type: coinsengine # Economy type
  #  currency: "%price% c"
  #  format: "C" # Placeholder to display the price
  #  isEnable: true # Activate or not the economy
  #  currencyName: "coins" # Coins engine currency name
  #  denyMessage: "&cYou don't have enough points to buy this." # Message if the player does not have the money for a purchase.

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