🔍Search / Filter

With the command /ah search you will be able to search in depth the items that are present in the auction house.

You can enable in the config.yml file the option to automatically translate the search items, for example if you are in france and you want to search for sand in french, you will be able to make order /ah search sable. You need to enable enable-translated-material in config.yml.

You then have to set your language, you can find the list here

# Allows to configure the elements for the /ah search command

  # Enables the /ah search command
  enable: true

  # Enable the option to search for an item with translation
  # For this option, you must be in 1.13+ and add your translation file to the zAuctionHouse/langs folder
  # By default the plugin will download all files, just enable this option and set your language
  enable-translated-material: true

# Allows to define the langs file for your server, this option only works for servers in 1.13+
# You can find the translation file here: https://github.com/Maxlego08/minecraft-assets/tree/1.21/assets/minecraft/lang
# The file must be placed in the folder zAuctionHouse/langs
language: 'fr-fr'

# If this option is enabled then the plugin will download all translation files when the zAuctionHouse/langs folder does not exist
# This saves you time and does not have to choose the file to download.
download-all-langages-files: true

# This option allows to translate the name of items in the language you have defined
enable-itemstack-translation: true

Simple filter

If you need to quickly filter items you just have to do /ah search <word> . And so all items will be filtered according to that word about its type, name, lore and seller.

Complex filter

For complex filters you will need to specify the name of the filter and its type.

/ah search <name><type><word>

Here is an example of a filter on the name: /ah search name::Diamond. Here you will search all items where the name is strictly equal to "Diamond".

Filter type

There are three types of filters, they will allow you to search with more or less precision.


  • Text: :=

  • Definition: Allows to search if the filter contains the given word.


  • Text: ::

  • Definition: Allows to search if the filter equals the given word


  • Text: :>

  • Definition: Allows to search if the filter equals ignore case the given word

List of filters:

  • name

  • type

  • seller

  • lore

  • material

Last updated