
Plugin compatible for conversion:

To convert items for sale from version to version 3 you just have to take the items.json file and put it in the zAuctionHouseV3/convert folder. You must then do /ah convert zauctionhousev2.

Upgrade your server to 1.21

If you are in an old version of minecraft (less than or equal to 1.20.4) you must follow this tutorial to convert your items from your version to 1.21, otherwise you items are all simply disappear.

For this you must have storage in JSON or MYSQL. If you are with REDIS, please put your server in MYSQL at the time of conversion.

You must then run the following command: /ah convert item_base64_to_minecraft_1_21

Once done, your items will be compatible for 1.21. In the config.yml file you have the value enableNewBase64ItemStackMethod which is passed to true

Last updated